What exactly does that mean? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke powerful words that continue to resonate with millions worldwide. Among His teachings, one particular statement stands out: “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). These profound words hold a timeless message that extends beyond religious contexts. Inviting us to discern the true nature of individuals and ideologies through their actions and results. How can we use what Jesus meant by this statement and how can it guide us in our own lives?
First, you must understand metaphors and that they have been a common way people have gotten their point across to others. When Jesus used the metaphor of “fruit,” He drew upon an analogy rooted in nature. Just as a tree’s true identity is revealed by the quality of its fruit. The essence of a person’s character becomes evident through their actions and behavior. Jesus implores us to look beyond mere appearances. Focus on the outcomes and impact that a person or belief system produces.
How you act towards one another and what you do for one another is important. An example of this is. Going to church on Sunday to worship God but turning around on Friday and becoming drunken with worldly desires renders it all for nothing. This is what I call a “Sunday Christian,” an example that can turn non-believers even further away from God.
Throughout His ministry, Jesus emphasized the importance of aligning one’s actions with their professed beliefs. He condemned hypocrisy and stressed the significance of living a life that reflects the values we uphold. The fruit, in this context, refers to the tangible manifestations of our beliefs and intentions. It encompasses acts of love, kindness, compassion, generosity, and other virtues that reveal the true nature of our character.
The message of discerning someone’s character by their fruit encourages us to evaluate ourselves as individuals based on the goodness we produce. Words can be empty if not matched by actions. Jesus reminds us that authenticity and integrity lie in living out our principles, treating others with respect and dignity, and actively working toward positive change in the world. James 2:26 says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
When contemplating the metaphor of fruit, we must consider the qualities that define good fruit. Just as a healthy tree bears healthy fruit, a person of good character produces virtuous deeds. Jesus teaches us that love, compassion, forgiveness, humility, and selflessness are the qualities that lead to fruitful lives. These virtues not only bring joy and fulfillment to our own lives, but also have a transformative effect on the lives of those around us. This simply means your actions can rub off on others.
Understanding the significance of Jesus’ words prompts us to evaluate our own lives. What kind of fruit are we bearing? Are our actions consistent with our beliefs? Are we making a positive difference in the lives of others? Did you do God’s will today? By aligning our lives with our values, we can cultivate a legacy of good fruit. Jesus’ message has broader implications beyond our personal lives. We can utilize this principle to assess the authenticity of social movements and leaders. By evaluating the results they produce and their impact on humanity, we can discern whether they align with the principles of Christ.
Jesus’ profound statement, “You will know them by their fruits,” resonates deeply across all cultures. It reminds us to look beyond mere appearances and assess the essence of ourselves by the tangible outcomes we produce. By cultivating a life of good fruit, we can positively influence the world around us and uphold the values that Jesus taught. Let us strive to live lives by the standards Jesus has set.
As always I encourage you all to read the good news that has been written down in the New Testament.